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49 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

If it's actually used, as in previously owned with real mileage, they should have disclosed that. If it's in new condition, or new condition with some amount of the discount being for shop wear or due ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
33 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

Law Stack Exchange could surely help you from a consumer law perspective. The New York Times’ ethicist column or similar could also advise. However, from a cycling perspective, I would expect a bike ...
Weiwen Ng's user avatar
  • 35.3k
26 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

I'd agree 100% with the other comments and answers about this being beyond unreasonable. I'd give the shop a call and ask to talk to the owner or manager (in that order). Talk through the situation. ...
FreeMan's user avatar
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15 votes

LBS won't Service Shimano Dual Control Lever

I've successfully destroyed several right-hand levers by attempting to fix them once they've started acting up. One was a broken basket in the shifter, and I forget the actual failure in the others. ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 129k
14 votes

Frame manufacturer not covering crack as saying it was crash damage

Despite what others have said, a warranty is a bona fide contract between the company and you. It's used in the selling of the product thus is covered by decent consumer protection law (in the UK ...
Nic's user avatar
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12 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

I'm trying to put myself into your shoes if this were to happen to me with the LBS that I frequent. I own two bikes, which almost sounds like the start of an inverse Twelve Step Program--one that ...
Kennah's user avatar
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11 votes

Am I freeloading at my LBS?

Spending $30 / month at your LBS seems perfectly reasonable. Your LBS is grateful you buy from them instead of from Amazon. If you sometimes go to your bike store just to talk, that probably OK, as ...
Argenti Apparatus's user avatar
9 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

I'd like to not pick it up - how should I go about doing this? Well, if your mind is already made up then don't pick it up. Are you just looking for affirmation for your idea? If your mind isn't made ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
9 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

Typically there are laws that govern how much a service business can charge you beyond their estimate in situations like this, if anything at all. The number varies by location so in terms of who has ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
8 votes

Am I freeloading at my LBS?

1) "am I freeloading, or am I a (financially) valued customer?" Depends. Most bike shops I've been to are happy with giving some of advice -- helping the person find the right part and them do it ...
Batman's user avatar
  • 46.4k
7 votes

At what level of carbon fiber damage should you have it checked at your LBS?

Although one cannot make a definitive judgement based off a few photos, I think in this case it is exceedingly safe to say that this damage is not a problem. Scraping your bike against a fence is ...
MaplePanda's user avatar
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6 votes

Stripped thread on steerer. Who is at fault - me or LBS?

Absolutely. If they actually put anything but a French headset on a French fork, it should be 100% on them. Hopefully they will fess up and cover the whole thing. Just to be clear, measuring the ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
6 votes

LBS won't Service Shimano Dual Control Lever

The answer depends a little on the exact model and how deep you need to go. In general the problem is that replacement parts aren't available new if something is broken, and if nothing is broken then ...
Nathan Knutson's user avatar
5 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

What the bike shop has done is not normal practice and beyond absurd. Every shop I've ever used (whether it's a bike shop, auto mechanic or whatever) will do a detailed assessment and confirm anything ...
JMP's user avatar
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5 votes

LBS won't Service Shimano Dual Control Lever

A small addition to this that I don't think has been fully covered: Internal parts for Shimano shifters aren't available. As previously noted, they are also disturbingly difficult to disassemble. This ...
Noise's user avatar
  • 15.1k
5 votes

Am I freeloading at my LBS?

It may be helpful to know that according to the NBDA*, most bike shops actually lose money on bike sales. The average profit margin is -3%. Where the profit margin on parts and accessories is +7.5%....
Terence Finn's user avatar
5 votes

Frame manufacturer not covering crack as saying it was crash damage

I'd highly recommend two courses of action. First, take a couple deep breaths and then call back the manufacturer. Without too many details to cloud the issue, and without too much emotion, ...
Deleted User's user avatar
4 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

The thing that would give me pause about this would be if there were a generational shift in technology during the intervening years, and it might be harder to get replacement parts (like the ...
Adam Rice's user avatar
  • 30.4k
3 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

Going counter every answer you received and playing devil's advocate role, I would say that if the Trek bike from the 90s was a top of the line bike, fitted with very good parts, the shop may have ...
EarlGrey's user avatar
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2 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

It is interesting that "new" is used as an antonym of "used"; logically speaking, "used", "old", and "pre-owned" are all distinct concepts that have been conflated for simplicity, and only some of the ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
2 votes

Repair service specifically for bike commuters?

There is** They are all over the US, but also have a presence in Canada. They will be expanding to the UK and Europe in 2017, but they have already started their mechanic recruiting ...
Cycling Maniac's user avatar
2 votes

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

If a bike is stored in dry, warm conditions, as it was probably done by the shop, it does not degrade in quality much. The only parts that may suffer from age are: Plastic parts like the brake pads, ...
cmaster - reinstate monica's user avatar
2 votes

Bike shop did too much work on my bike - do I need to pick it up?

Just to play devil's advocate, let's run through the story from the bike shop side using the info you've supplied. The bike has been outdoors for some amount of time and the extra work they have had ...
Noise's user avatar
  • 15.1k
2 votes

At what level of carbon fiber damage should you have it checked at your LBS?

Could asking the manufacturer be an option here? They do test their forks for things like this, right? Could they provide details about what kinds of forces and impacts, outside normal use, is the ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 vote

LBS won't Service Shimano Dual Control Lever

If the tool is the one I'm thinking of, it mainly allows you to take the whole main assembly out of the lever. That assembly is available, at least for some models, as a spare, costing about the same ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 61.2k
1 vote

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

I don't agree with some of the comments that a discount is an indicator for an old bicycle. Discounts can be applied for various reason such as clearance (better model just arrived shortly after the ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
1 vote

I purchased a "new" bike from my local bike shop that is five years old--should they have disclosed this?

IMHO .. if it's sold at fair market value, regardless of age .. no. The point of any retail operation in a capitalist country, is generally, to sell for as much profit as possible or at least .. fair ...
Michael M's user avatar
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1 vote

Frame manufacturer not covering crack as saying it was crash damage

Nothing. If the manufacturer doesn't want to play ball, you're scuppered. There is no way you can prove your case one way or the other, so you're reliant on the goodwill of the manufacturer. In this ...
PeteH's user avatar
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